NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Timothy Hill, R-Blountville, was today appointed by House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, to serve as chair of the House Disaster Relief Committee for the First Extraordinary Session of the 114th Tennessee General Assembly. The Disaster Relief Committee will be tasked with reviewing legislation related to relief for areas of East […]

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Timothy Hill, R-Blountville, was today appointed by House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, to serve as chair of the House Disaster Relief Committee for the First Extraordinary Session of the 114th Tennessee General Assembly.
The Disaster Relief Committee will be tasked with reviewing legislation related to relief for areas of East Tennessee that were devastated by Hurricane Helene, in addition to helping the entire state prepare for future disasters.
“My heart breaks for the many Tennesseans who are still struggling to put their lives back together after the devastating hurricane,” Hill said. “The volunteer spirit has been on full display as people from all over the state have stepped up to help those in need. I thank Speaker Sexton for his confidence in me to help those in East Tennessee, and I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues to efficiently deliver meaningful relief to impacted residents.”
In Gov. Bill Lee’s call for a special session, he introduced a $450 million legislative package to assist the region through disaster relief funds, local loan interest management assistance, a response and recovery fund and $20 million to rebuild Hampton High School in Carter County.
Hill was also appointed to serve on the Finance Committee and Calendar and Rules Committee for the Extraordinary Session.
Hill, a Blountville small-business owner, has represented District 3 in the House of Representatives since 2023 and previously served District 3 from 2013 to 2021.
State Rep. Timothy Hill represents House District 3, which includes Johnson and part of Carter, Hawkins and Sullivan counties.