The 114th General Assembly approved more than $450 million in direct disaster relief for those impacted by Hurricane Helene and to prepare for future disasters.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The 114th General Assembly approved more than $450 million in direct disaster relief for those impacted by Hurricane Helene and to prepare for future disasters.
State Rep. Tim Hicks, R-Gray, carried House Bill 6003 which establishes two disaster relief funds, totaling $210 million, the Hurricane Helene Interest Payment Fund and the Governor’s Response and Recovery Fund.
“No one could have predicted the devastation Hurricane Helene would cause in Northeast Tennessee,” Hicks said. “While we faced immense loss in lives and homes, we also witnessed the true spirit of community through support from across the state. The road to recovery is long and challenging, but this funding will empower our communities to rebuild and provide the resources needed to take quick action in future disasters.”
The $110 million Hurricane Helene Interest Payment Fund helps local governments cover up to 5% of interest on federal loans for up to three years, easing financial pressure and stabilizing local finances while awaiting federal reimbursements.
The Governor’s Response and Recovery Fund, totaling $100 million, enables immediate state assistance after disasters, addressing needs like agricultural losses, unemployment and business recovery without waiting for federal approval. Interest earnings may also be allocated to support the Hurricane Helene Interest Payment Fund amplifying its impact.
The General Assembly also approved House Bill 6002, which waives certain requirements during a state of emergency, allowing the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) to immediately assist local officials and suspends eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits for disaster victims.
Hundreds of families lost their homes or had significant damage from Hurricane Helene. House Bill 6007 approved property tax relief equal to the total amount of tax levied on the property for 2024, plus 30%. The extra 30% provides flexibility if there is any increase from the federal government. It also ensures government agencies would be allowed to share resources with each other, like garbage trucks, during disaster recovery.
The General Assembly approved $240 million for the Disaster Relief Grants (DRG) Fund, administered by TEMA. The fund bolsters Tennessee’s existing disaster relief fund and reduces the local cost-share burden for Helene-impacted communities from 12.5% to 5%. It also supports the state’s match for federal disaster funds, and covers administrative costs.
A $20 million grant was also approved for Carter County to fund the reconstruction and relocation of Hampton High School. Their campus was completely destroyed in Helene, and they have been temporarily learning out of a former elementary school in the area.
The General Assembly adjourned sine die for the extraordinary session on Jan. 30. Members will return for regular session on Feb. 3.
Tim Hicks represents District 6 which includes part of Washington County.