NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Gary Hicks, R-Rogersville, has proposed legislation to enhance the medical readiness of the Tennessee National Guard by increasing access to health care. The Tennessee National Guard Servicemember’s Medical Readiness Act will create a premium reimbursement grant program within the Tennessee Department of Military to help National Guard members in the […]

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Gary Hicks, R-Rogersville, has proposed legislation to enhance the medical readiness of the Tennessee National Guard by increasing access to health care.

The Tennessee National Guard Servicemember’s Medical Readiness Act will create a premium reimbursement grant program within the Tennessee Department of Military to help National Guard members in the Volunteer State with health care costs.

“Members of the American military have placed service above self and are worthy of our unwavering support,” Hicks said. “Unfortunately, many of these men and women have medical issues that affect their ability to serve in state and federal deployments. The Tennessee National Guard Servicemember’s Medical Readiness Act will help provide Tennessee’s guardsmen with the financial and medical assistance they deserve while ensuring our National Guard is adequately prepared to respond when necessary.” 

House Bill 479 will authorize premium reimbursement grants for guardsmen who are eligible for medical or dental coverage through TRICARE, the United States military’s health insurance program. The Tennessee Adjutant General will establish requirement criteria and servicemembers must meet these criteria in their application to receive premium reimbursements.

Members of the National Guard with certain medical or dental issues can be deemed nondeployable for federal and state missions, which can include floods, fires and tornadoes. This legislation seeks to enhance military readiness, boost recruiting and retention, and improve access to and continuity of care in the Tennessee National Guard.

House Bill 479 is scheduled to be heard for consideration in the House Finance, Ways and Means Subcommittee on March 12.

State Rep. Gary Hicks represents House District 9, which includes Hancock and part of Claiborne and Hawkins counties. He is chairman of the House Finance, Ways and Means Committee.


Representative Gary Hicks