NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Dan Howell, R-Cleveland, was reappointed Jan. 16 by House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, to serve as chair of the House Transportation Committee in the 114th Tennessee General Assembly. “Representative Dan Howell has been a staunch advocate for improving Tennessee’s infrastructure and transportation systems,” said Sexton. “His leadership, vision and ability […]

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Dan Howell, R-Cleveland, was reappointed Jan. 16 by House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, to serve as chair of the House Transportation Committee in the 114th Tennessee General Assembly.
“Representative Dan Howell has been a staunch advocate for improving Tennessee’s infrastructure and transportation systems,” said Sexton. “His leadership, vision and ability to get things done will be instrumental in advancing projects that keep our state moving forward efficiently and effectively.”
The Transportation Committee is responsible for state laws governing infrastructure, including highways, bridges and railroads. The committee also oversees air, bus and vehicular transportation in addition to rules and regulations related to the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security.
“Improving infrastructure, addressing traffic congestion and ensuring Tennesseans can quickly and safely get to where they need to be will be a priority in the 114th General Assembly,” Howell said. “I’m passionate about making Tennessee’s transportation system the best in the nation and delivering meaningful results to benefit all residents. It’s an honor to be selected by Speaker Sexton to again chair this committee and I’m eager to continue our important work.”
This will be Howell’s third term serving as chair of the Transportation Committee. In the past two years alone, the General Assembly has approved nearly $5 billion for highway and road funding. Tennessee in 2023 ranked third in the nation for highway performance and cost-effectiveness.
Howell, a former television news anchor and managing editor, was also re-elected by his peers to serve as vice chairman of the Joint Fiscal Review Committee. Howell will also serve on the State and Local Government Committee, Elections and Campaign Finance Subcommittee, Transportation Subcommittee and Calendar and Rules Committee.
About Howell’s Committees
The State and Local Government Committee is responsible for state laws governing local, municipal and cultural affairs, state government, and public lands. Legislation that comes before this committee can relate to alcoholic beverage taxes and regulations, election laws, historical markers, state and public libraries, and veteran’s affairs.
The Elections and Campaign Finance Subcommittee is charged with considering legislation that relates to state and local elections, voting, election integrity and campaign finance.
The Calendar and Rules Committee schedules bills for consideration on the third and final reading and entertains debate on the merits of legislation recommended for passage by the standing committees.
The Transportation Subcommittee is an arm of the Transportation Committee, which oversees transportation systems and infrastructure.
State Rep. Dan Howell represents House District 22, which includes Meigs, Polk and part of Bradley counties.