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Rep. John Gillespie appointed to Tennessee Street Racing Task Force

State Rep. John Gillespie, R-Memphis, today announced his appointment to the newly created Street Racing Task Force. 

Gillespie was selected to serve on the task force by House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, to help find ways to curb illegal street racing in Tennessee.

“Illegal street racing is a serious threat to public safety in Memphis and across the state,” Gillespie said. “I’ve been working hard in the legislature to address this serious problem and I’m grateful to Speaker Sexton for appointing me to serve on this task force. Memphians deserve to feel safe on the roads and I look forward to finding effective solutions to protect all Tennesseans.”

Gillespie has been a fierce advocate for safer driving on Tennessee’s roads, passing legislation creating the offense of aggravated reckless driving and enhancing the penalty for drag racing to a felony.

“Rep. Gillespie will serve with trustworthiness and honor,” said Sexton. “He is also tough on crime and truly cares about Memphians and Tennesseans alike. I look forward to seeing the great work Rep. Gillespie and the rest of the task force are sure to accomplish.”

The General Assembly in April passed House Bill 2062 creating the Street Racing Task Force. The new law was named in honor of 34-year-old United States Army veteran Jake Barnhardt of Clarksville, who was killed in Nashville by a street racer traveling more than 100 mph, according to police.

The task force will meet monthly beginning in August and is required to report its recommendations and findings to the General Assembly by Jan. 15, 2025.

State Rep. John Gillespie represents House District 97, which includes part of Shelby County. He is vice chairman of the Criminal Justice Committee and also serves on the Education Administration Committee, Health Committee, Criminal Justice Subcommittee, and the Higher Education Subcommittee.

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