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Caucus Chairman Jeremy Faison passes law to bolster distressed counties

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 24, 2024 House Republican Caucus Chairman Jeremy Faison passes law to bolster distressed counties NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Republican Caucus Chairman Jeremy Faison, R-Cosby, announced passage of a new law designed to help counties designated as economically distressed advance out of that category and prosper. Tennessee has eight counties, including Cocke, that…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Captiol Report

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The 113th General Assembly has adjourned, and Tennessee is on its way to even greater things with the help of the legislation passed this year. I am so thankful to my constituents, fellow legislators, and our staff for successfully getting us through another session. Most of all, I would like to thank my family, who…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Capitol Report

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After successfully passing the budget this week, the end of session is officially in sight. I am so proud of my caucus for working tirelessly to put pieces of legislation together that will improve our great state. When we work together, including with the other side of the aisle, we can make Tennessee a better…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Capitol Report

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This week was busy, but I felt so encouraged by the work being done by my colleagues to improve the already great state of Tennessee. Wednesday was bittersweet, as we honored friends who are retiring from the legislature. These representatives, both Republican and Democrat, have made substantial impacts on my life that I will not…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Capitol Report

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We've made it to April! Spring has sprung at the Capitol and the days are getting brighter and warmer. I am incredibly proud of my caucus and the work we have been able to accomplish this year. We still have a ways to go, but we are more encouraged than ever to serve the people…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Capitol Report

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This week was a test of holding joy and sorrow at the same time. Wednesday, March 27th, marked the one-year anniversary of the Covenant School shooting, and the Nashville community felt the heavy loss of those three staff members and three precious students even more greatly. As this is also Holy Week, we are reminded…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Capitol Report

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Another week of Session is in the books for the 113th General Assembly. This week was busy, but rewarding in so many ways. This week, two of my bills, HB1861 and HB2728, hit the house floor and passed overwhelmingly. I have been so honored to carry both of these pieces of legislation, as well…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Capitol Report

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Another week has come and gone here at Capitol Hill, and we are busy making headway on new legislation that will make this great state even greater. This week, as always, I had the pleasure of meeting with constituents, advocates, and folks who play vital roles in their communities. It was an honor to speak…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Capitol Report

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We had a busy week here on Tennessee's Capitol Hill working for the great people of our state. I was honored to present and advance two bills this week which are particularly important to me. HB2119, which addresses eminent domain, was heard on the House Floor this Thursday and passed overwhelmingly. This bill ensures that…

State Rep. Jeremy Faison’s Capitol Report

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Our second month of session has concluded! As we head into March and approach final calendar deadlines, I encourage all Tennesseans to stay focused on what's going on in their Capitol building by continuing to advocate for the causes they are passionate about and setting up meetings with their representatives. This week, I had multiple…

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